Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Friday 4 February 2022

First Aid Beauty Face & Body skincare review


First Aid Beauty Face & Body skincare review
These products were kindly gifted to me, without obligation.

Late last summer, I was kindly sent some First Aid Beauty products to try, and I'm only getting around to sharing my thoughts now, as I wanted to give everything a thorough test first, plus I had a lot of skincare products to try at the time. First Aid Beauty is a solution-based brand - each product has a purpose. They need to work hard, produce results, without irritation - hence the name First Aid! There are a vast range of products to try, but after filling out a form, my 'prescription' for my skin, was kindly sent to me.

Ultra Repair Cream: This is probably the product that the brand is most famous for. It's a multi-purpose cream, which is a great all rounder to have in the house, as it can be used on the face, hands, elbows, shins - anywhere that is irritated and needs soothing. It contains oatmeal, which is anti-bacterial, shea butter, which is super. nourishing, and white eucalyptus, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It instantly cools and soothes the skin. It looks, and feels, pretty plain, but that's exactly what sensitive and irritated skin needs, especially when inflamed, but also to keep skin nourished and balanced. I also find that a little goes a long way with it. Use the code LYMIN to save 20% on this product on Look Fantastic.

Hello FAB Coconut Water Cream: This is a lightweight, gel-cream moisturiser. It contains fruit extracts, coconut water and sodium hyaluronate, which combine to create a moisturiser, which in my opinion is best suited to normal/combination/dehydrated-oily skin. It doesn't provide enough moisture for my dry skin, however it might work as a morning moisturiser in summer. Save 20% by using the code LYMIN on Look Fantastic.

Retinol Serum: I think that most people with sensitive skin assume that they can't use retinol - wrong! It's a matter of finding the right product, and this could be the answer to your prayers! The reason that people want to use retinol, despite their hesitancies, is that it's the only proven anti-ageing ingredient (I'm not anti-ageing, however I am pro-keeping my skin looking good!). This serum contains 0.25% pure retinol, plus a blend of peptides, hyaluronic acid, aloe and vitamin C, which combine to balance the skin, which prevents the usual peeling associated with retinol products. It is housed in a bottle, with a wind up pump, which protects the efficacy of the product. For those who are used to retinol, this is so gentle that you may not see any huge results, but for those new to it, or who have been scared to use it in the past, this is a great place to start, and my advice would be to go gentle and slow - maybe twice weekly initially, and the build up frequency. The Ultra Repair Cream is the perfect product to use after it, to ensure there won't be any irritation. Save 20% on Look Fantastic with the code LYMIN.

Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturiser: I always wear a primer under my foundation, or I feel that my base just doesn't look as good without one. What I love about this product, is that I can wear it alone as a moisturiser on no-makeup days, and it gently blurs the appearance of my pores, but it also adds a slightly pearlescent glow (nothing that looks too fake or discoball-esque!) - it just lifts dull skin. It also works really well as a primer, particularly if I'm wearing a base that isn't naturally glowy, and it will add some luminosity and moisture, which is particularly great in winter, or on days where my skin is extra dry. It's the perfect winer primer. Save 20% by using the code LYMIN at checkout on Look Fantastic.

The body products that I have used, so they aren't in the photograph, are:

KP Bump Eraser Body Eraser with 10% AHA and Smoothing Body Lotion with 10% AHA: I have reviewed both of these products in this post. These products contain a blend of both Lactic and Glycolic Acids, to buff away the 'bumpy' chicken skin that some of us get on the backs of our upper arms, thighs etc. This may sounds pretty potent and like it might strip the skin, but they also contain ceramides and oatmeal, which are soothing and nourishing, so skin is left feeling super smooth, but also soft. Perfect for use all year round, but especially in preparation for summer, when our limbs are on show!

I've certainly been impressed by the products that I have tried and there are more from the brand that I will buy, because I have sensitive skin and my husband also has eczema flareups sometimes, and I know that the brand would suit his skin too.

I'd love to know if you've tried anything from this brand, and if so, what your favourite product is?

Thanks for reading!

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All products are bought by me, unless otherwise stated. Anything marked with a * has been kindly gifted, without obligation. I don't do sponsored posts. Opinion is always my own. Affiliate links may be used.


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