I certainly don't claim to an expert on sustainability, however I'm definitely of the belief that if we all do something to help protect the environment, it will all add up and it's better than just a small percentage of people being perfect. Growing up, we grew the majority of our own fruit and veg, baked homemade bread, biscuits and cake and it was similar to The Good Life, if you're old enough to remember that show? We didn't have a recycling bin in the 1980s, however we always used a composter for peelings etc and there really wasn't any waste - it was just how we were brought up, as my parents were both keen horticulturists and gardeners, and we had enough land for them/us to be able to do this (but you can grow herbs on your windowsill, so you don't need lots of land, or even small propagators). As kids, we chose our own veg to grow each year, and tended to it (from around the age of five), and I can still remember the sense of achievement when my sweetcorn or cauliflower appeared! Nowadays, people have much busier lives, but there are still small ways in which we can be more sustainable in our everyday lives, and there are some brands that make it easy. Today, I want to share some of my favourites - some will probably be of no surprise, but I'm hoping that there might be some that you can incorporate into your lives.