Just some of the medication from one of the weeks I was off. We had to try several types to eventually get me on an even keel. |
Well, hello! Long time, no blog! I have never taken so long away from posting before, but despite having lots of draft posts, I was far too ill to finish and publish any (some I have scrapped!). August was one hell of a month for me - at one point, I thought I might actually have to say my goodbyes. My health was horrendously bad - I have never experienced anything like it, and if you've been around here for a while, you'll know that I've been ill for over 20 years and have been through a lot, but the past month was the worst ever. I am double vaccinated, before anybody might think that I'm not, and that's what saved my life. If you are on the fence about getting vaccinated still, I would urge you to reconsider, as it protects those around you, who are medically vulnerable, as well as yourself (please read this article if you are in two minds as it may help you to understand the importance of being vaccinated, if you can do so: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-08-17/vaccinated-covid-doctor-shot). I'm not going to go into all of the detail of what happened to me or what happens next, but felt I should explain my absence, as I've never gone this long without posting since I started my blog around 7 years ago. I'm nowhere near fully recovered, but blogging gives me something else to think about and I need that right now, plus I feel like I have so much to chat to you about!
That said, there were also some positives in August. It was my birthday, my niece's birthday and we celebrated our wedding anniversary, so I will always love the eighth month! This year is whizzing by and I'm already thinking about whether or not to do Christmas Gift Guides.......? Would love to hear your thoughts on that! I'm going to catch you up on some lifestyle favourites (I say lifestyle - I was in bed for weeks!) - tv, food, accessories etc. Also, I would love to hear how life is with you? I've chatted to some of you in DMs, but I've missed this little community.