Honest reviews, regular hauls and all things beauty.

Friday 27 May 2016

May Favourites featuring Marc Jacobs, Omorovicza, Algenist, blogs, youtubers & more!

This favourites post is going up a little earlier than other months because I am going on holiday tomorrow and won't be blogging while I am away! I have been looking forward to the end of May since we booked our holiday in January and it feels like the year has flown by. This month I have mainly skincare products to share with you but also want to tell you about the blogs I've enjoyed reading & my current favourite youtuber, so let's get started!

First up is a cleanser that I have been really loving: Algenist Genius Ultimate Anti-Aging Melting Cleanser. This cleanser contains Alguronic Acid and Microalgae Oil, both of which make this cleanser feel very nourishing and not at all drying on the skin. It has a gel/oil texture and is applied to dry skin, then massaged and it breaks down into an oil and then when water is added, it turns to a milk, which is then rinsed. I love how soft my skin feels after using this oil and would recommend it to all dry-skinned ladies. This is a brand that I would definitely like to explore further. I also love that it has a clear panel on one side so you can see when the products is running low - something I wish Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel had!

The other skincare products that I have been loving are from Omorovicza: Omoressence and Ultramoor Mud Mask, which I reviewed here. If you have yet to read the review then I will quickly tell you that Omoressence has banished my dehydrated patches and Ultramoor Mud Mask is like a facelift in a tub! Read the post for more details!!

On my nails, I have worn OPI Elephantastic Pink practically non-stop. This is my 3rd maybe 4th bottle of this nail polish and I still adore it. It is a coral/salmon pink, perfect for this time of year and very flattering on all skin tones. It is easy to apply, non-streaky and long-lasting - what more could I ask for?

The perfume that I have reached for above all others for the last few weeks has been Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream Forever. I received this for my birthday last summer and didn't wear it over the winter months so when I tried it again a few weeks ago, I fell in love all over again. It is slightly sweeter than the original Daisy Dream and it is more long-lasting on the skin. If you like fruity/floral scents that aren't overly sweet, then I recommend smelling this next time you're at a perfume counter.

Now on to my current favourite youtube channel - Life With Sharon. Whilst I still love watching beauty youtube videos, I also love watching vlogs and I loved Sharon's Vlogmas and really missed her vlogs when she stopped for a while but for the past few weeks, she has been daily vlogging again. Sharon is very witty, down to earth and lots of fun and she & her husband are so natural on camera that you feel like you are catching up with old friends. There is no façade or B.S. - it's just a snapshot of their everyday life. I really recommend checking her out if you like watching vlogs.

Blogs: I have so many blogs that I love and never miss a post from and like to mention some of them in my monthly favourites posts but two that I haven't mentioned before are: Reflection Of Sanity and Life In Excess. Shireen from Reflection Of Sanity writes completely honest reviews and is hilarious with her descriptions - if you are allergic to B.S. (as I am!), then you will love her blog. She posts about beauty, books, fashion, lifestyle and more three times a week so please check her out here. Kirsty from Life in Excess has made me laugh out loud on many, many occasions - her posts include beauty reviews, life updates, "shit my husband says", OOTD, restaurant reviews and lots more. Her anecdotes are absolutely hilarious and you just know that a great night out would be had with her. She is nearly at 1000 subscribers but deserves 10 times that at least! Check her out here & you will also melt at photos of her cute doggy!

For clean eating recipes that don't compromise on taste, I highly recommend checking out The Little Green Spoon. Unlike a lot of clean eating gurus, Indy doesn't use lots of expensive ingredients - most products are ones that you have in your kitchen press already or are easily found in your local supermarket. Her Raspberry Coconut Bread is divine and doesn't taste like it should be good for you but it is!

So that brings me to the end of my favourites post. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the products/youtuber/bloggers in the comments below! Also tell me what you have been loving this month? My next post will be on the 7th/8th if June and will most probably be a U.S. beauty haul!!

Don't forget to enter my Bobbi Brown Define & Glow Palette Set giveaway here!

Thanks for reading!

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